Wear Out the Saints

By David J. Stewart

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. ” —Daniel 7:25

       Daniel 7:25 teaches concerning the Antichrist, who will speak blasphemous words against God almighty. The Antichrist will persecute and prosecute Christians, even changing laws to afflict them.

Already we are witnessing these events happening. U.S. laws are being passed to silence the Christians. Laws have already been passed to prosecute abortion protesters outside of abortion clinics. Laws are being changed to legalize homosexual marriages and prosecute Christians as hate criminals for preaching the Bible against the sin of homosexuality. We are living in wicked times.

The Bible prophecies in Daniel 7:25 that the Antichrist will WEAR OUT THE SAINTS. Even today, many saints are weary with the wickedness of this world, the crimes being committed on a massive scale by the U.S. government, and apostasy everywhere we go. Woe unto America! Woe unto the world! The New World Order is here to stay!

I don't know about you, but I'm worn out. Satan has relentlessly tried to destroy my labors for the Lord. Everything and anything has come my way. Satan has tried everything, but he has failed because the Son of God who dwells in me is stronger (1st John 4:4). God is awesome! Jesus is precious!

To those who are worn out, don't give up! You can make it! Just keep your eyes on Jesus, as did Peter when he left the boat and walked on water to meet Jesus. Amen! Only you can quit! Satan can't make you give up. Nothing can happen in a believer's life, but that it first pass the desk of God for approval. I only fear God who has control over my life. Satan is already a defeated individual. Satan is the ultimate loser, and will pay the ultimate penalty in the Lake of Fire.

Although Satan is going to try the saints more-and-more, God is still on His throne. God lives within our body (Romans 8:9). We belong to Jesus Christ and He has sealed us with His Spirit (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30). God is so good. May we rest in Jesus when the storm waves rage and the winds of tempest blow.

Judas went out and killed himself after he betrayed Jesus. God would have forgiven him, but Judas couldn't forgive himself. May we all do as Peter who wept bitter tears from a repentant heart after he denied Christ 3 times. Peter moved on and became a better man from his past mistakes. God used Peter to preach at Pentecost, when 3,000 men were saved form many nations. Pentecost happened 50 days after the ascension of Christ into Heaven in Acts 1:11-13.

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